Chickens | Helpful Tip for Dealing with Heavy Snow


If you live in a cold climate that gets lots of snow during the winter then join the club! Living in Montana we get lots of snow and have very long winters. All of this snow makes it difficult to keep our chickens happy and ensure they do not get too bored or cooped up. How exactly do we do this? Well we get creative and make sure to give our chickens lots of love during the winter. ❄️

One of the things we do to help our chickens during the winter is shovel out snow. Our chickens hate walking through the snow and they don’t like to get their feathers wet. To help them, we carve out a path around the coop to give them the ability to make laps around the outside of the coop. This allows them to stay occupied during the sunny winter days, and keep them from feeling cooped inside the coop. We also bring them fresh lettuce, arugula, and apples to munch on so they have something to do.

When we do this, we see a dramatic increase in their happiness and it makes us very happy to see them enjoying their time outside. So if you live in a snowy winter climate, try this trick out and help your chickens survive those long winter months.


After lettuce…

After lettuce…


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