Climate Change Cows - Regenerative Grazing

We’re getting into the cattle business!!  Well, sort of…  If you’re an advocate of climate change, then you have probably heard of regenerative grazing.  If you haven’t heard of regenerative grazing, it is the method of grazing cattle in a humane way that promotes the distribution of carbon into the ground.  There is a really cool documentary on regenerative grazing on Netflix you should check out if you haven’t already. This is very helpful for the environment and rebuts the argument that cows are bad for our climate.  Cows are not bad for the environment, but rather the way in which you graze the cattle determines whether the cattle have a positive or negative effect on climate change. 

So we want to be apart of this positive change.  We are in the process of building our fencing for our cows and creating a network that allows us to move the cows from pasture to pasture in a regenerative fashion.  So far, the fencing is just in its preliminary stages, but we do have a couple H-post in place.

Our goal is to raise five or so cows in these regenerative grazing pastures.  We can then have humanely grown, pasture raised, grass fed beef.  Knowing where your food comes from is a huge part of living the Montana Farm Life, and we are excited about this new venture for our farm.  We are not just grazing cattle, but we are growing grass.  The new regeneration is here – climate change cows are joining the fight.

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Update: The Life of a Chicken Keeper


Bridger Foothills Wildfire | Bozeman