Farm Makeover | Tree Implants

Some people do plastic surgery, others prefer something a little more natural. That’s why we decided to get tree 🌲implants for the property to add some cosmetic design to our land in Bozeman, Montana. We recently ordered 3 large 25 ft spruce trees and had them shipped to our door. The process for ordering and installing the new trees was really cool and I hope you think so too. First, the truck loaded the tree and drove it to our property.


I should mention that before this happened, the truck used it’s giant spades to dig out a large hole where we wanted to put the tree. 🌲 Once the tree had a hole to be planted in, the truck utilized it’s hydraulic mechanisms to angle the tree and place it exactly where it needed to go. This was a really cool part of the process and we all pitched in to help guide the tree to the right angle in the hole. At this point the tree was then lowered into the hole and planted in the hole. The large spades let go of the tree and just like that, we had a 25 foot tree 🌲 planted near our house 🏠. How cool is that!

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Update: James Gibbon's Raised Garden Beds


Bluebird Mornings