First Harvest from the Garden

Gardening takes patience. Patience and persistence. Every day I water the garden and weed it. It is a process that requires dedication over time and the desire to help the garden grow. We have been fortunate this year to receive a lot of rainfall and our garden has grown very quickly. Our spinach and lettuce varieties being the top producers so far. We also have harvested a few radishes which grow quickly in our climate. It is incredibly rewarding to harvest vegetables from our garden because of the amount of work and time it takes to produce vegetables. The satisfaction of eating a vegetable grown from seed is remarkable. I truly enjoy this time we have to produce such beautiful produce in such a beautiful valley. I can’t express the gratitude I have for the land, the crops, and the mountains for all they offer. Below are some pictures of some vegetables we have harvested from our garden. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed growing them!

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The joy of the garden - James Gibbon


Planting the Cucumbers