How to Start Worm Composting

Uncle Jim’s Worms

Welcome to the beautiful world of worm composting! We are glad you have found this page and welcome you to learning about everything you need to start worm composting at home. So let’s jump into it.

What is Worm Composting?

Vermicomposting, another name for worm composting, is the process by which specific species of worms digest food waste, cardboard etc. and poop out nutrient rich castings which can be used used for fertilizer on plants, lawns, and farms.

This makes vermicomposting or worm composting one of the most rewarding experiences. Seeing waste turned into black gold that can help things grow is so cool in my opinion!

Below I will detail everything you need to get started with worm composting. So let’s dig into it!

What do I need to Start Worm Composting?

  • Not surprisingly, compost worms are probably the most important part of learning how to start worm composting. There are many great options out there, but the most trusted type of compost worm is the Red Wiggler, or Red Worms. These worms are best because of their high castings rate along with high reproductive rate, making them the preferred compost worm for worm composting.

    There are many online retailers that sell these worms along with local options, but the place where we have had the most success buying quality worms in Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm.

    If you are just starting out with one bin, I recommend buying their 500 count starter Red Wigglers.

    Keep in mind that these worms will reproduce very rapidly and starting with 500, you’ll have hundreds more very soon.

  • Before you buy the compost worms, you need a compost bin to put the compost worms inside. This is where you will put the worm bedding, cardboard, and food scraps that the worms will eat. You want to buy a worm compost bin that includes a drain. This is vital for getting the worm juice out of the bin. This worm juice can be a great fertilizer and is extremely rich in nutrients. You’ll also want to buy a bin that has the tools needed to tend to the compost bin and maintain it over time.

    We opted to build our own bin, which you can learn more about here.

    If you are looking to buy your own premade worm compost bin with all the tools you need, I highly recommend this option. It is highly affordable and includes everything you need to get started on your worm composting bin.

  • Once you have the first two things, you’ll need to create a friendly home for your compost worms.

    First you will need worm bedding. This is a nutrient rich base for your worms to live in. Think high quality, nutrient rich soil.

    We created our own mix, but this is one of the highest rated worm beddings that you can buy in the market.

    It is affordable and high quality and can give the nutrients your compost worms need to thrive.

    The next thing you will need is cardboard. Be sure that the cardboard is plain cardboard with no ink or writing on it as that can be toxic to the compost worms. Spread a layer of cardboard on top of the worm bedding to optimize the environment.

    Lastly, the worms will need food and this is the fun part. Take food scraps and put them in the bin and within days the food will be gone and turned into worm castings that can be used as fertilizer for your garden, farm, lawn, or flowers.

Once to have all those things, you’ll be ready to start worm composting. I hope this article was helpful in getting you started on how to start worm composting. We have been through this process before, and every worm composter remembers what it was like to build their first worm compost bin and get started with worm composting.

It is a very rewarding experience and one that is truly beautiful to waste, recreated into something that can be so beneficial for the environment.

Happy Worm Composting!



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