Reintroduction to the Flock

If you remember, we had a chicken who was unable to be with the rest of the flock. Over the winter, she started bleeding and was being pecked on by the other chickens. We had to separate her from the flock and heal her wounds. After a month or so of isolation, we began to reintroduce her to the flock, but found that the other chickens would still peck her. This created a real dilemma for us because keeping a chicken in the greenhouse long term is not a long term solution. We needed to find some way to reintroduce her to the flock otherwise we were going to be forced to give her away.

In late April/early May we decided to try to reintroduce her to the flock again. This time we would let her be with the flock during the day, but then separate her during the night. This way it would be a smooth transition into the flock. We did this for a couple weeks, and then finally decided to let her stay overnight in the chicken coop. To our surprise, she did great! The chickens have accepted her back into the flock and pecking is no longer an issue.

It makes me so happy to see the flock all together in peace. Getting her back into the flock has been the highlight of my time on the farm here and I hope the good behavior continues. To anyone having troubles with pecking in their flock, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions - I am happy to help!

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Planting the Cucumbers


The Garden is Coming Together