James Gibbon James Gibbon

Winter Microgreens w/ James Gibbon

James Gibbon grows micro greens!

Growing micro greens is a lot of fun. If you haven’t grown your own micro greens, I highly recommend giving it a shot. Here is a quick summary of how we started growing micro greens in our house.

James Gibbon

James Gibbon

We first bought a rack. We got ours from Costco - https://www.costco.com , but I’m sure there are plenty of viable options out there. Once we had the rack built and complete, we started loading up some seedlings and micro greens. Methodically we have each row on the rack dedicated to different steps in the growing phase. Much like us all, it all starts at the bottom. This is the row dedicated to heating and germinating the seedlings. Once the seedling 🌱 germinates, we then move it up one row to the grow lights - https://www.homedepot.com/b/Grow-Lights/N-5yc1vZ1z0sawz . This is where the majority of the seedlings 🌱 growth takes place. Above these rows are additional grow lights, space for domes, and space for miscellaneous.

James Gibbon

James Gibbon

As you can see, we got our seeds from https://www.johnnyseeds.com/ . Once you have your system in place, all there is left to do is add soil, seeds. and water!

James Gibbon

James Gibbon

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