James Gibbon

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Waiting on Winter...

James Gibbon - Typically, winters in Montana are long and harsh, but this year has been a completely different type of winter. It is now January 5th, 2021 and we still barely have any snow on the ground. This has been great news for our chickens, but it has sadly put a real damper on the ski and snow sports. The chickens have really enjoyed the lack of snow and have spent more than their normal amount of time outdoors and out of the coop. It has been fun to see them enjoy this warm winter and get outside more than usual. Our horses have been enjoying this weather as well as they have been able to easily find grass in our pastures. Typically we have at least a foot of snow on the ground, and this prevents them from being able to easily graze in the pastures. However, this lack of snow has really negatively impacted the outdoor recreation activities we usually participate in during the winter. These include: snowshoeing, skiing, sledding, and playing with the dogs in the snow. We barely had a white Christmas this year and it just did not feel the same as our usual Christmas’. My wish is that we start to receive more snow so we can enjoy the fun parts that winter has to offer. I miss seeing the sparkles in the snow scattered throughout our fields as the sun shines on the blankets of snow. Hopefully we start to get some snow soon and I can update the blog on how much snow we have gotten. Until then, we will have to wait and see what mother nature has in store for us.