Building Fence

We are constantly taking on new projects here on the farm and our most recent project has been building some peel-on rail fencing around the property. This rail fencing will be used to create a couple new pastures for our horses and perhaps other animals too 👀. I mention that we might be getting some new animals because I hope that we do. Some ideas are to get some cows, while I am wanting to get some alpacas. I think Alpacas are absolutely adorable and their fur can be used to make some really fantastic pieces of clothing. Cows on the other hand are probably more profitable and I love cows too. Whichever animals we decide to get I will be happy to make some new additions to the farm.

The fencing itself has been quite a task to complete. We first drive post with our bobcat and then begin attaching the rails to the fence. We use construction screws to screw in the fencing rails to the post. We also created a water gap to one of our springs for the animals to utilize. This water gap will prevent us from having to water the animals a majority of the year.

Check out the photos below of our fencing and let me know if you have any questions!

James Gibbon

Garden Growth


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