Garden Growth

I thought I would give y’all an update on our garden this year. We made a lot of changes to the garden this season and added a lot to it. One of the things we added was bark pathways and cover around the rows. This has really trimmed up the garden and has greatly improved the way that the garden looks. We also added some additional crops this summer, with one of those being corn. I’m really excited about biting into my first corn on the cob this year and the crops are doing phenomenally well so far! We also made some improvements to our grow boxes and filled them in with high quality soil. This has really made a huge impact on the vegetables growth in these boxes and is performing much better than our straw/potting soil mixture last year. We have already harvested some lettuce and radishes from the garden and are waiting until our other vegetables are ready. We have both greenhouse tomato plants and outdoor tomato plants, and although we don’t have any tomatoes right now, we should be getting some in the next month or so. I wanted to share some pictures of the garden and if you have any thoughts or suggestions feel free to comment in the comment section!

Happy growing!

