James Gibbon - A Radish Experience

A little under 2 months ago, with winter right around the corner, we decided to start a small garden and grow 🌱 as many vegetables as we could in the limited amount of time we had. James Gibbon went to the store and purchased onions, lettuce, carrots 🥕 , cabbage, bok choy, and some various different types of radishes. During our garden experiment, there was one vegetable that ruled them all - the radish. Why do you ask? The radish is one of the fastest growing edible vegetables 🌱. In as little as 30 days, an edible radish can be grown from seed. I think this is pretty incredible and certainly makes growing this vegetable a lot of fun. Our radishes took longer than 30 days to grow due to our late season planting, but they still grew incredible quickly.

James Gibbon

James Gibbon

Our radish journey began by planting the seeds. A vital step where we made a few major errors that drastically impacted our production. I can’t stress enough how important it is to plant the seeds ATLEAST 1 inch apart from each other. We were in a hurry to get the seeds planted and crowded the seeds which hindered the growth of the radishes and caused some radishes to only grow leaves. Once we had the seeds planted it was time to water the garden a couple times a day. As the weather became increasingly cooler, we covered the radishes with plastic to help provide warmth.

James Gibbon

James Gibbon

The radishes continued to grow and I took pictures of their progress as seen above and below.

James Gibbon

James Gibbon

After 30 days, things started to get really interesting. Our French Breakfast radishes started to become visible above ground and this is when I knew we were close to being ready to harvest. However, some of the bulbs were still really small and I wanted to wait as long as we could to get the best radishes possible. Mother nature had plans of her own on when we would pull the radishes and when the weather reported 20 degree weather in October, I knew we needed to pull our radishes before the freeze. This is what we got!

James Gibbon

James Gibbon

James Gibbon

James Gibbon

We had a really successful harvest and we were overwhelmed with gratitude. To be able to build a garden, grow vegetables, and harvest them in under 50 days was a really RAD experience. I hope you enjoyed hearing our radish story and please comment below!

James Gibbon | Mountain Biking and Gardening

Nothing screams Montana Farm Life more than gardening in the morning and mountain ⛰ biking 🚵‍♀️ in the afternoon - and this is exactly what I’ve been doing lately. I used to “mountain” bike a lot when I lived in Austin, but since moving to Montana I had yet to take a bike to the trails. So I got a mountain bike and headed to a nearby trail called Corbly Gulch. Right away once I got to the trail I knew I was in trouble. Not only was there a brutal 1 mile road that was hardly passable, but once I got to the trail head I instantly realized I wasn’t in Kansas anymore.

Unlike the south, the trails here are literally going up mountains. The shear amount of strength and endurance needed to make it deep into the trail is impressive and I was not prepared for what I was getting into. Nonetheless, I persevered and pushed up the trail as far as I possibly could until I was about a half mile in.

James Gibbon

James Gibbon

As you can see I ride a Trek Roscoe 6 hardtail with mid-fat tires on it. The bike road great and did especially well on the way down, helping me navigate tight twist and turns to my car below 🚙. The ride was an absolute blast and I have gone many times since including trips to another local trail, Truman Gulch pictured below.

James Gibbon

James Gibbon

Truman Gulch is another fantastic trail with diverse terrain and is quickly becoming my favorite trail in the area. Read more about my mountain biking adventures at www.jamesgibbonoutdoors.com

So what about the gardening?

Great question. So a lot has been going on in the garden since I last blogged. If you follow me on instagram, than you already have seen the progress of our radishes and lettuces. Although we sit at around day 35 with these, we are waiting to pull them as they still have room to mature. Unfortunately, we are battling the elements here in Montana and snow is forecasted the next 3 days. So let’s all pull together and help the lettuce and the radishes survive this cold ❄️blitz.

James Gibbon

James Gibbon

James Gibbon

James Gibbon

So there you have it! If you’re reading this please comment below and leave 🍃 some positive thoughts for our vegetables 🍅 and thank you for reading!