Incoming Pheasant!
So I have had a long day today… A couple of days ago my check engine light came on and I was planning on bringing my car in to get checked today. As I was driving into town, I saw two pheasants starting to take off in the grass to the right of the road. I kept thinking the birds were going to get out of the way, but as I got closer I realized I was going to hit the second pheasant. I tapped on the brakes and immediately hit the bird. There was a loud shunt heard throughout the car. My window was completely shattered. I couldn’t see anything. I slowed down and put my flashers on to let the cars behind me past. I was devastated. How could everything go wrong all at once? I was just going to get my check engine light checked. Below is a picture of the windshield.
Shattered Windshield
There was even glass inside the car. I’m lucky the windshield didn’t completely break and crash into me. But it’s not all bad. I was able to get my car to the windshield place and was able to run a diagnostic on my check engine light and found out it’s only a minor part failure and should be a cheap fix. So the day is turning around, I just keep replaying that moment in my head and what I could have done differently. If I could do anything over again, I would have slowed down the second I saw the two pheasants instead of just assuming they would get out of the way. Next time I will do that. Just another day driving in Montana!