James Gibbon | Cleaning Out the Chicken Coop
The time comes when one must clean out his/her’s chicken coop. For us, this time has come. Chickens are beautiful and fun creatures, but they are quite dirty. Confined in the coop, they will deposit waste at an astonishing rate, and it is vital to keep their space clean. In order to clean our coop, there are a number of steps that need to be taken.
First, you need to pull out all of the shavings/straw from within the coop, and remove it. This can take some time and is pretty laborious.
James B. Gibbon II
After the existing straw and shavings have been fully removed from the coop, you can begin loading the coop with fresh materials. Start by taking at least one bag of soft pine shavings and spreading the shavings throughout the inside of the coop. Next, take 5 flakes of straw and spread evenly on top fo the layer of shavings. Finally, put back the feeder and waterer or anything else you had inside the coop before you started.
Boom! You just cleaned out the chicken coop and your flock will be forever grateful for you.
James Gibbon
Shavings - https://www.murdochs.com/
Straw - https://bridgeranimalnutrition.com/
Poultry Fount - https://www.homedepot.com/p/Little-Giant-2-gal-Metal-Double-Wall-Poultry-Fount-22616239/206208242
Horse Stall Fork - https://www.sstack.com/little-giant-durafork/p/23937/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIscm5wqiu5gIVoB6tBh2qhAV1EAkYCiABEgIyMPD_BwE
Coat - https://www.carhartt.com/