James Gibbon | Update on Bea Hein

James Gibbon here! It’s been a while since I last updated everyone on Bea Hein, our chicken. Since the last time I wrote about her, she has gotten much healthier and is doing much better. Mostly thanks to Scratch and Peck’s supplements. For those of you that don’t remember, Bea Hein is one of our chickens who was constantly being pecked on by the other chickens. She lost all of her tail feathers and was badly bleeding. We had to separate her from the rest of the flock, ail her wounds, and provide her proper nutrition to recover.

Here are some pictures of her now and how she is doing. I’m very proud of her recovery and excited to share these photos with all of you. Although she is not back to 100%, she is much farther along than she was and I’m very optimistic about her full recovery. On top of all this, she finally started laying eggs and it’s great to see her body in full swing!

James Gibbon - Bea Hein

James Gibbon - Bea Hein

Bea Hein - James Gibbon

Bea Hein - James Gibbon

James Gibbon photography

James Gibbon photography


Raised Garden Beds w/ James Gibbon


James Gibbon | Cleaning Out the Chicken Coop